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Mobility is an Individual Need, Decarbonization is a Global Priority | Freedom of Mobility Forum Debate 2023 – March 2023

On March 29, 2023, I had the pleasure of moderating the inaugural online Freedom of Mobility Forum Debate, which brought together a diverse range of experts and attendees to discuss whether freedom of mobility will be affordable to only a select few in a decarbonized world. The engaging two-hour discussion with a global audience explored the intersections between the individual and collective need for mobility and decarbonization, and the affordability of potential solutions.

During the debate, the panelists established that mobility is a fundamental necessity for everyone, as it provides access to essential services such as food, jobs, and healthcare. Decarbonization, while an individual concern for some, is increasingly becoming a global priority. As we work towards decarbonization goals, it’s crucial to plan holistically and inclusively, considering the varying needs of communities around the world.

Despite all the challenges to ubiquitous access to mobility that were discussed, several potential solutions identified that can tackle both decarbonization and affordability. These solutions include thoughtful city planning, reimagined public transportation, the development of new mobility ecosystems, and a shift towards electric mobility. By developing and implementing these solutions with an inclusive and adaptive approach, it is possible to achieve freedom of mobility for more than just a privileged few.

Wavestone was selected by the forum initiator, Stellantis, to be the neutral third party to facilitate the development and execution of the debate. I co-led this effort with my colleague, Cedric Baecher, and a team from our Sustainability Practice. As the moderator of the forum, I was grateful for the opportunity to facilitate such an essential conversation. The platform will also serve as a hub for ongoing discussions, with our Wavestone team providing monthly a mix research, videos, and interviews surrounding the topic throughout the year.

Above is the opening segment where I set up the debate. Visit to view the other debate segments.


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