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Episode 6 with Michael Hinojosa | Education is Good Business

What if you could scale success by creating a shared vision and constructing beneficial relationships with external stakeholders? In my continued conversation with Dr. Michael Hinojosa, former superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District (DISD) and current superintendent in residence for the Council of the Great City Schools, shares just how he did it.

His strategic approach to building relationships with business and other community stakeholders, and implementing effective programs at scale offers invaluable lessons for anyone keen on driving change, irrespective of their field of work.

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Let’s stay engaged, stay curious, and continue to make an impact.


Show Notes

About the Guest(s):

Michael Hinojosa is an experienced educator and superintendent who has made a significant impact on the Dallas Independent School District (DISD). He has served as the superintendent of DISD twice and has been instrumental in implementing various initiatives to improve the district’s performance and outcomes for students. Hinojosa has a strong focus on collaboration with community leaders and stakeholders to drive positive change in the education system. His leadership and strategic approach have earned him recognition from the business community and other stakeholders.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, Cecilia Edwards interviews Michael Hinojosa, the former superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District (DISD). They discuss Hinojosa’s approach to collaboration with community leaders and the importance of having a shared vision for the district’s future. Hinojosa shares insights into his strategies for engaging the business community and leveraging their support to improve the education system. He emphasizes the need for scalability and proof of concept when implementing initiatives in public schools. Hinojosa also recommends two influential books, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey and “In Pursuit of Wow” by Tom Peters, which have shaped his leadership style and approach to education.

Key Takeaways:

  • Collaboration with external stakeholders, including community leaders and the business community, is crucial for the success of a school district.
  • Building a diverse group of collaborators who are respected and can look beyond their own goals is essential for creating win-win situations.
  • Having a shared vision and thinking about the future are important for driving positive change in education.
  • Public education, with its focus on inclusivity and serving all students, provides the opportunity to have a lasting impact at scale.
  • Scalability and proof of concept are key factors to consider when taking pilot programs to a larger scale.

Notable Quotes:

  • “When you ask who are the external stakeholders that are critical to our future success and you keep hearing the same names, that means that you need to get out and interface with those people.” – Michael Hinojosa
  • “If you really want to have an impact on scale, it has to do with public schools, but it’s a two-way street. You also need to have a superintendent who’s willing to accept that relationship and do the most with it.” – Michael Hinojosa


Don’t miss this insightful episode with Michael Hinojosa as he shares his experiences and strategies for improving the education system through collaboration and a shared vision. Listen now for valuable insights and practical advice. Stay tuned for more engaging episodes from this podcast

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